Friday, October 31, 2008

Get Out the Vote

This mural is on Irving Park Road near Albany (I think) on the south side of the street. It has been there for a while now and I finally got some photos of it! Obviously the photos were taken from my car...I did actually stop and park before snapping the photo.

I thought it was pretty cool, and hope that any of my readers who might have different political views will not be offended.

I voted last Thursday at noon. I got a receipt that said that I voted and promptly lost it somewhere. And now, it seems like a lot of places are offering discounts for things if you show your proof of voting. Bummer.


  1. Very cool. I went to vote Tuesday and realized I left my license in my other I will have to stand in line at 6.30a this Tuesday so I can vote before work. It's worth it!

  2. I voted on Friday only 1.5 hour wait. I sure hope O wins!

  3. I think I saw this mural on an e-mail recently; how cool is that? I'll probably head over to the polls at 7 a.m. tomorrow; it's sure to be madness. Better bring some knitting to keep the rage factor down as I wait. :)

  4. I wish we could vote early like that in NJ, although I really didn't have to wait too long at the polls this morning. The parking lot was packed, so I took my knitting in with me, but everything was running very smoothly and I didn't even get to finish one round on my sock. Here's hoping for an Obama victory!


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