Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dogs on Thursday & SOTSii Update

Happy Dogs on Thursday! Making a guest appearance is Gracie's sometime friend, Jolie, who lives in Kalamazoo with Birdie's Mama and Papa and Birdie and their two kitties.

We are supposed to get some snow tonight, on the first night of Spring 2008. Ah, love Chicago winters into spring.

And, I'm finished with hints 1 - 4 on the Secret of the Stole ii. OMG, this project is taking for-e-ver. I decided I would cast on the Tomato from No Sheep for You, and so far I LOVE knitting with the Blue Sky Alpacas Dyed Cotton. I'm planning on altering the pattern (adding inches in some places and taking away in others so it will fit me) but I'll have to wait and see how that turns out.


  1. Wow. I am impressed with the amount of knitting happiness that has occurred this week! The stole looks great. Can't wait to see it in person! :)

  2. The stole looks great! And I love Gracie's friend, what a cutie! I miss dogs... my building won't allow them. Buggers.

  3. That secret lace is looking great. Who cares how long it takes as long as you are enjoying the process.

    How is taking care of you going? I've fallen and can't get up!! g

  4. Gracie's friend is a cutie. THe stole is very pretty.

  5. The stole is looking wonderful! Can't wait to see the Tomatoe.....Gracie's friend is so cute.....sorry about more snow....


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