Thursday, January 3, 2008

Contest Results & Partial Name Reveal Oooh Ahh...

To be fair, I have never held a contest on my blog before and I wasn't sure how it would all play out.

I have decided to use the entries more as inspiration, because I think I should have given more information about the people (brother and sister) than I did. Roro very smartly pointed out that if I was to think of them as a unit, the names might be different from if they are separate. She suggested "Ding Dong and the Goober" which made me giggle and that just can't be wrong. Thank you for that! Lisa suggested Fred and Ginger. Names of famous people. Not going to use newer people, more classics.

And the winners:

Most points, Miss Me of Knit Me to the End of Time
Inspiration to CKG for the Chosen Names:
Lisa from Ruby Corundum &
Roro from Creampuff Revolution

Winners: I will email you later today to begin discussion of prizes and such. Fun!!

Honorable Mention:

Sarah, Wendy, ikkinlala, Robin and Sharon

I'm not sure if I got all the points correct, so email me privately if I missed something big...I don't want anyone leaving with her head down.

And the Name Reveal,

drum roll please

Brother and SIL : Fred and Ginger (thanks Lisa)

I am going to give my sister options and post her response in a later post. Forgive all the mystery :)


  1. Wooooo! I think Fred and Ginger are excellent choices. But when they annoy you, you can always use Ding Dong and the Goober instead.

  2. Fred and Ginger just seem so classic and eternal. I'm glad that they seem to be the right fit for the blog.

    Thanks for letting us be a part of the process!


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