Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Connecting My Sister Bloggers

Check out Gnat's 100th post contest! It goes along the lines of Thank You Thursday/Tuesday and the importance of taking pause to express, feel gratitude. If you mention that I sent you, I get points (ooh ahh)... and Kenyetta is hoping for another entry in her Pay It Forward contest.

And Sarah is just rocking out on her recent scarfly endeavor. We are looking for mismatched dyelot advice, though.

RadicalFemiknits just got some gorgeous socks...a pattern I'm going to try when I have patience for it...they are so darn pretty!

So, connect Knitting Bloggers...connect!


  1. Great Post! I love Sarah already and now I will ahve to visit the other two more frequently! The socks are to die for!

  2. Thank you for posting about my contest and commenting about it. Also thank you for the congrats...my weekend was busy but glad that it had a bright side to it. :)

    Have a great day!!


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