Saturday, June 2, 2007

Blocking the Baby Sweater

After Mandy's careful explanation of how to block a sweater...I procrastinated for 2 weeks before I finished the sweater for Birdie. It is now laying flat on a towel on the drying rack -- in full block. Yay! It wasn't really that hard, I don't know if it was the need to weave in all the ends that really set me back or if it was getting the thing wet in order to block it. Either way, it is in process.

I just started another version of the same sweater, this time without the hood and I am using a differently textured yarn...Bernat Baby Coordinates. Nothing fancy, I know, but it is machine washable and knits up nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Washable yarn goes far for mother's of wee ones. :)

    I tried to email you at but it bounced. You'd asked me how you got tagged for Ravelry. I don't know about that. I just went to their website. and signed up for the waiting list.
    If you were talking about being tagged for a meme, bloggers usually pick people they know or blogs they read. :)


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