Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's been a while...

Odd. After posting daily for a month, it feels like I've neglected my blog. To be honest, I have also had more time to do other knitting and sitting outside in the garden.

I finished the Chunky Malabrigo scarf, just need to block it now. I really like that Malabrigo, let me tell you...

Above is one of my raindrop covered peonies.


  1. Beautiful! Mine bloomed while we were gone...

  2. That peony is gorgeous! I miss mine.... I wish they bloomed longer. :(

  3. Our Peonies bud, but never bloom. Yours is so pretty! As for daily blogging - I still do it mostly. I just do it either before work or at the very end of my day. Times when I wouldn't normally being doing anything else anyway. :) g

  4. Sounds like me! Love your flower picture! So pretty! Take care:)

  5. I love the peony too...I love peonies, especially rained-upon ones...

    isn't it funny how time-consuming the May blogging was? It was like a mania--between the thinking about it between posts, and the posting itself, June is feeling like a lull. I'm trying to come up with another writing challenge for myself...

  6. I have GOT to get some of this malabrigo. I hear everyone on the internet raving about it all the time and I've just never purchased any.

  7. Your photos are gorgeous! I love how clearly you've captured even the droplets of water on the petals. Amazing!

  8. I miss the fact that we cannot really grow them in our part of the south. It is far too humid and they just don't do well. You have captured it so beautifully.


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