Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Contest Winners - and more Tap Shoes

I'll be sending a little something to a couple of the kind donors to my efforts for Alzheimer's Memory Walk ... very soon.

I apologize for being remiss in my blogging, I am actually using the time to knit but haven't figured out how to do both. Silly obsessive me.

Thanks again for donating...and it isn't too late! There's a link on the right. The walk isn't until September.

For now, ciao. the first photo is Teddy (my sister), Bubbie (my mom), and Tap Shoes (aka Roe's cyber niece). The dude in the background is Fred's (my brother) friend.

The other photo is of the three family princesses: the baby is Tap Shoes. The other two beauties are Teddy's girls. How sweet!!


  1. Glad you're back to blogging. I was getting worried! Stupid blogger won't let me see your pictures though. Grrrrr. I'll try again later!

  2. lovely photos, what a sweet baby. :)


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