Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Silly but Adorable Knitterly Gifts

So, I'm obsessed with Lantern Moon's Sheep tape measure (the black one) which I can find only at Yarn Market. Other places have the white one but I really feel I need the black one. Geez, this knitting thing is under my skin.

I was going to order one white one and two black ones. Am I totally nutso?! I figured I'd give the other two away, then I saw if I spent $100 shipping would be free...but Yarn Market doesn't have the lace blocking wires I "need" -- nor do I know how much yarn to get for SOSii (Secret of the Stole 2) so I think I'll have to wait on the little lambs for a bit. Poor things. They are so cute. Baaaa.


  1. Those are so precious! I might have to do the same so that I have a few on hand for swaps. I can't wait to see what yarn you get for the shawl.

  2. Hrm. Perhaps we could collaborate on hitting $100 (since we're clearly both off the yarn diet!)?


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