Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Whoa It is Wednesday

Okay, stop the world and! I have been working, knitting, a little sleeping, working, ...

How the heck is it Wednesday already (and why isn't it Friday ha ha ha).

One side effect to KIP (Knitting In Public for my non-knitting readers) is that people request items. A scarf, a hat...socks. Since I have a slight amount of thrill when people actually WANT something hand made AND since I have no concept of the amount of time things actually take to complete AND since I have trouble saying no (not always, just a lot of the time)...I have new things on my list.

I've been enjoying the smaller projects though, I will admit.

I started my SITMT socks. Fun stuff. I'm doing two toe-ups on two circular needles. I need Addi Turbos to be my primary needles IN EVERY SIZE. I have only size 1. I LOVE them. But they are not cheap. Anyone hear of sales, let this Knitter know.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that you have already started your SITM socks! I'm still trying to learn more about my spoilee and then I can make the socks.

    If I see a sale, I'll make sure that you get the info!


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