Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Babies!!

So, I got an email from our friends in Boston with a link to the photos of their new little girl today...and a message on my answering machine when I got home from work from Birdie's Mama, "we have baby news" was the message...

More info to come, but these two new little babies go on the Thank You Thursday list for sure!


  1. OOOOhhhhh knitting for new babies is so much fun. Can't wait for more details!

    P.S. - last game we have tickets for is tonight. COmets versus Sky...Wifey is so excited to see Stacey....

  2. Hey, thanks for visiting the blog! It's so nice to see comments...:) I will definitely take you up on some pictures of my current knitted items in exchange for chat about the peapod pattern! Sushi, too...:)


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