This title is not of my own making. It is from the creative mind of an exceptionally funny and intelligent co-worker of mine, J. Incidentally, J refuses to disclose his age to me, but this is another matter altogether.
It stems from the story I began to tell about meeting my dear friend S who is currently gestating a baby girl (Baby Birdie, for whom the first baby sweater from my hands and needles has come). I told him the story, because I believe that S was wearing a concert t-shirt from some Heavy Metal band at the time of our meeting. If she wasn't, let's just say she makes for a fuller story. She did wear them occasionally - and she was a fan (if that is what one might call a Heavy Metal enthusiast) of Metallica and such. This is the Heavy Metal portion of our story today.
Now we are saved from crazy cat lady-dom from our 'ims. Her hubby's name and my DP's name both end with 'im. J was imagining if we HAD become crazy cat ladies, that we might have to trade cats at times due to behavior and family harmony amongst our broods. Since S lives in Kalamazoo (I have never seen Elvis there, by the way), and I live in Chicago, I can only imagine the road trips to - say - Michigan City to trade furry purry beasties in the name of peace with our cat families. All I can say is thank goodness for our 'ims. And, this is the hugs portion of our story.
J's point was that whenever I tell him a story it goes, metaphorically speaking, from Heavy Metal to Hugs. I don't know if that is true but I am now conducting an anecdotal qualitative research study on the topic.
I bought more yarn yesterday.
There was horrible traffic going home at 5 yesterday, largely due to the "Cross Town Classic" between the Cubs and the White Sox. The Cubs won people. The Cubs won. My path between work and home is one of Chicago's main roads between Lake Shore Drive and the Kennedy Expressway (I94 for you non-Chicagoans), so I chose another route home. My route took me up to Lawrence and Ashland and, voila, Arcadia Knitting.
I went in thinking baby items. Cute, sweet, soft, baby items. I ended up with semi appropriate items: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in pink and grey to make baby socks and K1C2's PJ's in colors that include the periwinkle color of my Rowan Cotton Tape. I might just combine them into something fab. I just don't know. I really don't want to have a big stash, it feels stressful to me. Perhaps I need some knit counseling from my friend and birthday buddy, M.
Have a great day out there in blog land.
5 months ago
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