Wednesday, March 14, 2007

No Lattes After 4 pm

It seemed very innocent. A beautiful spring-like day in Chicago, a break in the afternoon to go for a walk and enjoy the weather before 5 more hours of work. And what does one do on a lovely stroll in the afternoon but stroll on over to her local coffee shop to chat with the cool people who work there...and get a latte.

I bought this thing called a 'loyalty card' at one of my favorite coffee places, the Emerald Cafe which is just under the Sheridan Red Line El stop. With my $2 purchase came a "free" coffee beverage of my choosing. I got a Caramel Macchiato, skim, with whipped cream. (We can talk about the skim milk whipped cream combo later.) Oh my God, that was the best coffee drink I have ever had. I am a sucker for even a mediocre macchiato. For real.

It was like 70 degrees and I got a hot drink. I was in heaven.

Then I got back to work and saw a few clients and did a group. I LOVE that I get paid to do this work. I am in awe at times that my job can be so fun (even when it's difficult).

At 10:30, I realized that all the lights in the house were out except where I was sitting catching up on my TiVO'd shows: The Real Housewives of Orange County, E Vet Interns. Gluttony, pure gluttony. A Caramel Macchiato and reality tv all in the same day. KJ had gone to bed. I felt somehow betrayed by that. How come she was tired and I was still, well, WIDE AWAKE?!

At 12:30 I told myself I should just try to go to bed. Maybe I would fall asleep. No go. I tried but my sense of feeling tired was oddly absent. I decided to scan through the encyclopedia of knitting stitches that I checked out from the Chicago Public Library near work. I tried diligently to make those patterns, but got lost with the yarn overs and the yarn forwards. Finally settled on one that looked reasonably fancy with a minimal of effort (and a little variety).

At 1:30, I turned on the computer and started my quest for my own pair of Doc Martens. I NEEDED them. I looked at Zappo's and then did a price search on various shopping sites only to end up back at Zappo's with the first pair I put into my shopping basket. Free shipping both ways, liberal return policy, great selection. I had to do the deed and make those shoes mine.

Earlier that day I'd been telling some coworkers that I was far too butch to pull off Mary Janes but I ended up becoming certain that if I didn't have that pair of brown Doc Marten Mary Janes I would simply not be able to continue with life as I know it.

At 2:00, the shoes were as good as mine. I also realized if I didn't go to sleep, I would end up buying many items I do not need.

At 8:30 this morning, I cursed that Macchiato, but I'm looking foward to my Zappo's shipment.

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