Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins (one week behind)

I'm using the Fill-ins from last week...but since you've never seen my answers, they are NEW TO YOU ha ha.

1. Please don't tell Gracie that she is my favorite.

2. Can you make me a cafe au lait with a pump or two of raspberry in the morning?

3. The color brown makes me want to cozy up and eat chocolate!

4. I have a craving for more sleep.

5. If my life had a pause button, I'd pause it now, so I could sleep some more.

6. Eyes are the most amazing ocean blue on Lehu.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to extra sleep (notice a theme here?), tomorrow my plans include work and knitting with Sarah and Sunday, I want to see a movie or something!

1 comment:

  1. :) Hope you get a good nap- we have serious knitting work to do tomorrow!


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